In an earlier post I examined the first bitcoin transaction. They were generated in block 9, and first transferred in block 170. Then I started wondering what happened after that, so put together this visualisation.
This only includes transactions occurring up to Nov 22, 2010 10:00PM UTC - after that the number of transactions and addresses increases dramatically and the graph becomes too cluttered to read. Click on the image to see the full size version.
At the root of the graph is address 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S to which the bitcoins. The nodes on the graph where the address is abbreviated represent addresses where the balance is zero.
For the other nodes the current balance is shown. You'll notice that the balances shown sum to much more than the original 50 bitcoins - this is because as bitcoins were moved between addresses they merged with other bitcoins along the way.
This particular graph isn't very meaningful because it is so out of date; but I still find it interesting nonetheless.
Also check out where the rich list and other stats are updated daily.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Bitcoin transactions per day and other stats
As promised earlier I've pulled together some graphs showing the level of bitcoin transaction activity up to and including 27/1/2011.
The first graph shows number of bitcoin transactions per day (not including block generation), along with the total value per day.
The second graph shows the number of blocks per day contain transactions paying fees, along with the total value of fees paid per day. It's interesting to see that since the first bitcoins were spent over two years ago that the total paid out in transaction fees is 51.06611961 - tiny compared to the number of coins currently in circulation.
The graphs are presented using the Google charts API and allow you to zoom in on different sections of the graphs.
Thanks to Gavin Adresen for requesting these stats.
The first graph shows number of bitcoin transactions per day (not including block generation), along with the total value per day.
The second graph shows the number of blocks per day contain transactions paying fees, along with the total value of fees paid per day. It's interesting to see that since the first bitcoins were spent over two years ago that the total paid out in transaction fees is 51.06611961 - tiny compared to the number of coins currently in circulation.
The graphs are presented using the Google charts API and allow you to zoom in on different sections of the graphs.
Thanks to Gavin Adresen for requesting these stats.
Graph goes here - Number and value of transactions per day
Graph goes here - Number and value of blocks with transaction fees
Latest Bitcoin top 100 'Rich list'
I've been really busy with work lately which has left little time for anything else. Below is the latest rich list. As pointed out at the bitcoin forum it isn't possible to produce a truly accurate rich list for bitcoins. What this list does show though is the 100 bitcoin addresses with the highest current balances.
I'm working on generating some graphs to show the kind of stats that Gavin Andresen was asking for in the comments, and hope to get those published later today - watch this space!
I'm working on generating some graphs to show the kind of stats that Gavin Andresen was asking for in the comments, and hope to get those published later today - watch this space!
Top 100 Bitcoin addresses by balance. Calculated from block height 104879 created at Jan 27, 2011 3:31:46 PM UTC.
15suUFFQTgpY4RTihQeGoWVMrGw9idWh9Q 5113.84000000
19ere2oJzJh81A5Q64SExDZYz54RvWHqZz 5337.00000000
1EwH7LedkZv4mnzkpiHJ8bmuDZjLNs97xr 5350.00000000
1KcEbbosVCAhWfArkdQLZc4XQsRn2wsJCD 5692.14000000
15J5MZxBkbo88hfHbY96UEDdWWtTJKTBgj 5900.00000000
1AAe9AdkKcffFyrF7zPQYS3XDcRws8c3qk 6000.00000000
19p9H8VoMKdDSTeQLKhK1KzvemYKmBJxvi 6050.00000000
1GNyLtivKQrL32S31WswWKVhSvUugGoq9S 6062.74000000
1LgsbKRKTcw7gYohUwntSUh6rtEWShxSH8 6350.13000000
1MbcZkfjkWdEEeC9r5pq5XRBDRcKUCsg9h 6400.00000000
1HAJRJQQwnjSXco31bppN27tueMoVPVFNe 6600.00000000
1Dc9jSB5W7HgyrsNN8P4Uy2FbidfgL4bwD 6600.00000000
1F5iTDY3rxSnmcGabYje9pdsp51UNNgD9W 6625.00000000
1J7kn9Xy2iTm6sscQNG3vjroQf4XHKefxT 6635.37000000
1EC7bX9TucqzKL4aCRQb5UhsgdxdSn2w4z 6679.88000000
1AQecMZgiHoynEk6nvLz83TXDhFazgpoRm 6705.00000000
1P1rs21hnsZEpcV7uuKk3mwVGcCZBKHv3F 6850.06000000
16b3L5eiyFny9nggwmAjbtx6b4xjwJfu8y 6900.00000000
16xdskMQrXmCredNtxsKN9mTpUZWmyQbH 6900.00000000
1FJuzzQFVMbiMGw6JtcXefdD64amy7mSCF 6999.00000000
18hCbLkRR7NpvES4Ufn5JGLLmCgLNeCErT 7001.42000000
1KdJEFvXDZjKU8gGABq6amiXa1hutbKM5M 7030.19000000
1LwhuPYdSGLxpEhtogRQSLM5i2CASWEvjN 7250.00000000
13wZknpKnQfQXbtMzAqsyQNNGqiSjx6nEi 7300.69000000
1JYL4V4YPG5ku5tYURngRCwcWZjb2BEzGL 7347.03000000
18ShHDufPcxfNZr4rArogTUCF2GmkJiSCV 7372.00000000
1L3gCzSsw6VYx8gKaswp7tMPFni8shCbe9 7500.00000000
1Na914xtSWJwbq36mBGpgkZri2hGQhetHi 7500.00000000
1Np76jjwkXE5eEyYPrPrpYde1qnfZkC3CX 7530.00000000
1FQtCEEEiLuFTvhbx4Z5fda3GXV5xXzmfN 7542.05000000
15Z5YJaaNSxeynvr6uW6jQZLwq3n1Hu6RX 7941.06000000
1JGRGawZf1rZN291vFJe3SeTdr19tG5E1a 8000.00000000
198aMn6ZYAczwrE5NvNTUMyJ5qkfy4g3Hi 8000.00000000
1PCUVVwKJXQNY357WvKCAbZefLyZbwdb4y 8050.10000000
1PPdLQSYf6yCZzq2REHpVN7nvYxsRyvNYn 8333.33000000
1wqssCa4hTfbMSZNCkjJ5ZYpGUbWdVDWT 8415.04000000
1K1MjKdRsj4T3Tdr7DXdPJCYuUPw8US72f 8436.93000000
129GMPhks7k5bQnNJM4byLb4bE9nHCBSqP 8449.00000000
1MFA2FzeHgNRY5dGGiQtPxJx3LEKBit7UP 8910.10000000
167ZWTT8n6s4ya8cGjqNNQjDwDGY31vmHg 8999.00000000
1KCg9DuHYQgH7jkmLanCJioU3DrDawy4ab 9000.00000000
1HLvaTs3zR3oev9ya7Pzp3GB9Gqfg6XYJT 9260.00000000
1U1jTCGkQYRaDVStZdDHMFWUMoSJi4HSc 9364.73000000
1DVQEpTFjxYpZMVy4Bam9MCxeGEtmMmQCh 9406.33000000
16HC2oNNjmhXgGqf4YYZwSfRK4meVpAGm7 9444.00000000
13uraL1Maba7obbhkdB4pjsqMyvqrcTeeD 9700.00000000
1FBiCxd41EgQ4u6PQVsAadDoot7FD9sx99 9978.31000000
1FyNcducxXi6p3U6P9vSnGa6d8BFwVDSg7 10000.00000000
12dUggmXPYsPVHaHr1DoW5J6bb6gvh4yZq 10000.00000000
1W5My2mh4WA5Fsa8yoNVJm7PxFZWqFwbK 10000.00000000
1LUPDXYf9XD9Ee1AqCuM3gZCA3ZMKgTcgw 10000.00000000
14geRxy9nWw2Vf3JXboyfgAiLTacWtHM6D 10000.00000000
194UU2RxAV7wZJ3bUTpQ8TeRReUSASrHU6 10000.00000000
15oCtt4tujaUQr1JicBqePsTg5Mz7AN3Ma 10000.00000000
1ETcR4GvfRENL4Q3V1GLBzpJ7j2dNbRyuC 10000.00000000
19vcWM6EEbQHVdN2W8NXv9ySgsPjbZ6gU3 10000.00000000
145YHsQU7HMzkRnD5SBSuFAzQgCYnAnLkN 10000.00000000
1Le6MkiTvkorvC1JwYXzQUSfqA3ebzGW7N 10000.00000000
181WtNhTf1e2nF2Yi8Y1i9HY5grsDyGvpQ 10000.00000000
1Du2jAQsBQnkkVZkN4oqC46tS78k7WMkVq 10000.00000000
1JtpgqCf3SSeCeYWEDJjkfYFH7Ruhy4Vp1 10000.00000000
1BsRzg8hTfKXbywbXuaGbzHSsYtcwwXVtZ 10050.00000000
1HiWWzYGKbQxKTLJDeCRAkRMxzMR2f9Zz7 10239.45000000
14xZRjQBVj78mmpz1hQFBtbTtN8aeeoN4x 10500.00000000
1BMT9FXbKQc9f6PWFZeKKbtPEd5JSSwLVH 10672.08000000
141tFf7wKP8MpC48TYoWi7MeQcQVxFJ9LT 11000.00000000
1HYGzEjtQsmrhBAf19nd9eNvcz34RAzhRc 11300.00000000
14FFkuMVpRFjSb5dqPRophkYfmaXDEYhTA 12200.00000000
18CuCQzQ1PVVX81nK6QeRZi5PRrtcafAb8 12350.02000000
1Jfz35JognNZRLAKbp8BnCuUWMmExQotf7 12499.99000000
17zqebx6gZooB6smMwyAKLQhAvg18HFZhC 12500.00000000
1LGThcZhhRaPcQv6JCyUCjrzhmLwSwoN4G 12750.00000000
18sFHF3eD25uSRrASfoPBKBaTHjk3N1cWc 13000.00000000
1BeLzz6PK942LYuhNjB7SUcqS9DShViTmb 13500.00000000
1JYwZ8RBRbbgyT5P6QSFVmAdciqcUB7q6Z 14250.00000000
1Cq37WXRrYTy3wh9swEcDoRHgdrvDL2Wrc 14600.00000000
14HpieZ4xQGfSfZ3CNNBW6qp94ShDvPYbj 15000.00000000
1P8tkiZvGrXWvEDs98ZpshyNbudcHZCzSD 15700.00000000
1JmyXqoe7Amb5NvUmBi6mTeV37DX1tKZT5 16394.24000000
19n1JqKDnoqcc34HA3fdgzNxczic6Hu5Pi 16767.79000000
14iESWwr9hLugqVD6bGVGCUjindHEweiH4 17750.40000000
1PeizMg76Cf96nUQrYg8xuoZWLQozU5zGW 19400.00000000
1B1wPLyrJ831sg1D8hnZLBG7SejXbqMMrH 19650.01000000
12fZ2HxkLjG9zn1u44XYsFFYKHM4A2zCea 23249.00000000
14o3HbKWdgpeMrX6fwWE95nR6XRBFMKsfp 25052.58000000
18qXSkiudy9dBNB7eYQJR689vqkjATnSCt 25057.26000000
1Pw48g5zwghYtYUhfjMppxxZnzaUu8ognh 25549.58000000
12tkqA9xSoowkzoERHMWNKsTey55YEBqkv 28150.00000000
19k8nToWwMGuF4HkNpzgoVAYk4viBnEs5D 29072.43000000
1GsGdtcrD4xKHHpuB3gNGxonak8oqGAWp7 30000.00000000
1KdZ1EoVwT9HxmZT7qr9mRPc7hcDq82xsu 30000.00000000
12ib7dApVFvg82TXKycWBNpN8kFyiAN1dr 31000.00000000
199QiJj1miojVSAop7gpAamscHd77r12ET 31338.45000000
1s4pPJap3eCRLdgxwSKTW5gxeuXZKrRT4 31424.07000000
17CJvRrNdqSPN3Zs2dWfNY6GoCiMRfNG2T 33035.00000000
1NJWs6g6hQsgxqtpRxXLhZJwHYhH2P2bvx 40000.00000000
19eJDWL3j3ABd17imWAZjmmPa6FGYGARL7 50000.00000000
1JiTbxqmmkC9izgpC9QLcqGWbQs42PtC7r 57900.65000000
12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv 72374.36000000
1AYtnRppWM7tWQaVLpm7TvcHKrjKxgCRvX 400000.00000000
When compared to the previous rich list report you can see that we have a new winner with a whopping 400,000 bitcoins!
Looking through though you'll see the previous winning account balance of 90,000 bitcoins was merged with a few other accounts to form the new winning balance. With the current high bid price of $0.4211 from that account is worth around $168,440!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Data sources
User earney asked in a comment where I am getting the raw data.
Just like I'm using the getblock patch by jgarzik to build a custom bitcoind exposing a new RPC method, getblock. The getblock method returns all data about a given block number in JSON format, but still requires some post-processing to have access to all of the details.
I've written some java utility classes that iterate through the current block chain and store some of the attributes in memory. I then post-process this data to extract interesting stats - such as the Bitcoin top 100 'Rich List'.
For testing my own code and verifying the results I used - the UI is quite nice and makes it easy to navigate between transactions, blocks and addresses, and the data there appears to be always up to date.
If I find the time I'll either clean up the code and open source it, or look for a way to publish it online in an easy to use format.
User earney had a follow up question about the use of gettransaction.
I extract all of the data I need using only the getblock command, and don't use gettrasaction at all.
Basically I start at block 0, retrieving each block in turn and storing the data in memory about all transactions. When I get to the end of the block chain (i.e. the newest block), everything I need is available in memory -
* a Map of transaction ID to transaction details
* a Map of address to current balance
Then depending on what kind of analysis I want to do my program iterates over the transactions, or the address balances (or both).
What kind of stats are you trying to extract about bitcoin transactions? I might be able to publish the processed data somewhere public, like a Google spreadsheet or fusion table that will let others get access and do their own analysis. Does this sound useful to anyone?
Just like I'm using the getblock patch by jgarzik to build a custom bitcoind exposing a new RPC method, getblock. The getblock method returns all data about a given block number in JSON format, but still requires some post-processing to have access to all of the details.
I've written some java utility classes that iterate through the current block chain and store some of the attributes in memory. I then post-process this data to extract interesting stats - such as the Bitcoin top 100 'Rich List'.
For testing my own code and verifying the results I used - the UI is quite nice and makes it easy to navigate between transactions, blocks and addresses, and the data there appears to be always up to date.
If I find the time I'll either clean up the code and open source it, or look for a way to publish it online in an easy to use format.
User earney had a follow up question about the use of gettransaction.
I extract all of the data I need using only the getblock command, and don't use gettrasaction at all.
Basically I start at block 0, retrieving each block in turn and storing the data in memory about all transactions. When I get to the end of the block chain (i.e. the newest block), everything I need is available in memory -
* a Map of transaction ID to transaction details
* a Map of address to current balance
Then depending on what kind of analysis I want to do my program iterates over the transactions, or the address balances (or both).
What kind of stats are you trying to extract about bitcoin transactions? I might be able to publish the processed data somewhere public, like a Google spreadsheet or fusion table that will let others get access and do their own analysis. Does this sound useful to anyone?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
First bitcoins ever spent
Bitcoin forum user ribuck asked What is the earliest block whose generate coins have been spent?
The first expenditure of generated bitcoins occurred in block 170 at 2009-01-12 03:30:25 UTC, from address 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S. These coins were generated in block 9 at 2009-01-09 03:54:39 UTC.
I'm working on extracting more interesting stats from the raw data, I just have to cleanup the code a little bit so I can iterate quicker. Watch this space for more...
The first expenditure of generated bitcoins occurred in block 170 at 2009-01-12 03:30:25 UTC, from address 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S. These coins were generated in block 9 at 2009-01-09 03:54:39 UTC.
I'm working on extracting more interesting stats from the raw data, I just have to cleanup the code a little bit so I can iterate quicker. Watch this space for more...
Welcome to The Bitcoin Report. I've been following Bitcoins for a while and find it a very interesting idea. I've decided to setup this blog and regularly post interesting stats about the state of the Bitcoin P2P network, starting with a Top 100 Rich List. I'm looking for suggestions about what other stats to publish, please send me comments about what you'd like to see.
Bitcoin top 100 'Rich List'
Top 100 Bitcoin addresses by balance. Calculated at 11:24:00 on 15/01/2011.
[UPDATED] Corrected balances after fixing a bug in the way balances were updated for some transaction types.
1GNyLtivKQrL32S31WswWKVhSvUugGoq9S 6062.74000000
1MbcZkfjkWdEEeC9r5pq5XRBDRcKUCsg9h 6400.00000000
1LgsbKRKTcw7gYohUwntSUh6rtEWShxSH8 6550.14000000
1HAJRJQQwnjSXco31bppN27tueMoVPVFNe 6600.00000000
1F5iTDY3rxSnmcGabYje9pdsp51UNNgD9W 6625.00000000
1J7kn9Xy2iTm6sscQNG3vjroQf4XHKefxT 6635.37000000
1EC7bX9TucqzKL4aCRQb5UhsgdxdSn2w4z 6679.88000000
1AQecMZgiHoynEk6nvLz83TXDhFazgpoRm 6705.00000000
1P1rs21hnsZEpcV7uuKk3mwVGcCZBKHv3F 6850.06000000
16xdskMQrXmCredNtxsKN9mTpUZWmyQbH 6900.00000000
16b3L5eiyFny9nggwmAjbtx6b4xjwJfu8y 6900.00000000
1FJuzzQFVMbiMGw6JtcXefdD64amy7mSCF 6999.00000000
18hCbLkRR7NpvES4Ufn5JGLLmCgLNeCErT 7001.42000000
1LwhuPYdSGLxpEhtogRQSLM5i2CASWEvjN 7250.00000000
18ShHDufPcxfNZr4rArogTUCF2GmkJiSCV 7372.00000000
1L3gCzSsw6VYx8gKaswp7tMPFni8shCbe9 7500.00000000
1Np76jjwkXE5eEyYPrPrpYde1qnfZkC3CX 7530.00000000
1FQtCEEEiLuFTvhbx4Z5fda3GXV5xXzmfN 7542.05000000
17Drr5GZf7q4WGphHKg3uUxaesEcPw92FX 7660.24000000
15Z5YJaaNSxeynvr6uW6jQZLwq3n1Hu6RX 7941.06000000
1JGRGawZf1rZN291vFJe3SeTdr19tG5E1a 8000.00000000
198aMn6ZYAczwrE5NvNTUMyJ5qkfy4g3Hi 8000.00000000
15WJEWCiMX8rRURCJemHSJs3V1am7Dyuhg 8000.00000000
1PPdLQSYf6yCZzq2REHpVN7nvYxsRyvNYn 8333.33000000
1wqssCa4hTfbMSZNCkjJ5ZYpGUbWdVDWT 8415.04000000
129GMPhks7k5bQnNJM4byLb4bE9nHCBSqP 8449.00000000
13uraL1Maba7obbhkdB4pjsqMyvqrcTeeD 8900.00000000
1MFA2FzeHgNRY5dGGiQtPxJx3LEKBit7UP 8910.10000000
167ZWTT8n6s4ya8cGjqNNQjDwDGY31vmHg 8999.00000000
1Lu18Yf1KXBCvQw4C9MGRkHyw3CW3W3UTP 9000.00000000
1KCg9DuHYQgH7jkmLanCJioU3DrDawy4ab 9000.00000000
1HLvaTs3zR3oev9ya7Pzp3GB9Gqfg6XYJT 9260.00000000
1U1jTCGkQYRaDVStZdDHMFWUMoSJi4HSc 9321.74905919
1DVQEpTFjxYpZMVy4Bam9MCxeGEtmMmQCh 9406.33000000
16HC2oNNjmhXgGqf4YYZwSfRK4meVpAGm7 9444.00000000
1EuMa4dhfCK8ikgQ4emB7geSBgWK2cEdBG 9978.31000000
19vcWM6EEbQHVdN2W8NXv9ySgsPjbZ6gU3 10000.00000000
1PCUVVwKJXQNY357WvKCAbZefLyZbwdb4y 10000.00000000
12dUggmXPYsPVHaHr1DoW5J6bb6gvh4yZq 10000.00000000
12DZjBLZQpU2pJGqNfuQscMMkxfTe2ozzN 10000.00000000
1Le6MkiTvkorvC1JwYXzQUSfqA3ebzGW7N 10000.00000000
1W5My2mh4WA5Fsa8yoNVJm7PxFZWqFwbK 10000.00000000
1LUPDXYf9XD9Ee1AqCuM3gZCA3ZMKgTcgw 10000.00000000
1DD2LnxQQZKjhdAgoEvrju58yrt2BYaLUw 10000.00000000
1Du2jAQsBQnkkVZkN4oqC46tS78k7WMkVq 10000.00000000
1CmLAqyGk8SMAbnn5b8LmA6z1ihpNidGZF 10000.00000000
1JZzZWdEbnrYa9ZfmWR2L3msBuDpW3WTso 10000.00000000
14geRxy9nWw2Vf3JXboyfgAiLTacWtHM6D 10000.00000000
194UU2RxAV7wZJ3bUTpQ8TeRReUSASrHU6 10000.00000000
15oCtt4tujaUQr1JicBqePsTg5Mz7AN3Ma 10000.00000000
1JtpgqCf3SSeCeYWEDJjkfYFH7Ruhy4Vp1 10000.00000000
1ETcR4GvfRENL4Q3V1GLBzpJ7j2dNbRyuC 10000.00000000
1BsRzg8hTfKXbywbXuaGbzHSsYtcwwXVtZ 10050.00000000
14xZRjQBVj78mmpz1hQFBtbTtN8aeeoN4x 10500.05000000
1BMT9FXbKQc9f6PWFZeKKbtPEd5JSSwLVH 10672.08000000
141tFf7wKP8MpC48TYoWi7MeQcQVxFJ9LT 11000.00000000
1HYGzEjtQsmrhBAf19nd9eNvcz34RAzhRc 11300.00000000
14FFkuMVpRFjSb5dqPRophkYfmaXDEYhTA 12200.00000000
18CuCQzQ1PVVX81nK6QeRZi5PRrtcafAb8 12350.02000000
1Jfz35JognNZRLAKbp8BnCuUWMmExQotf7 12499.99000000
1LGThcZhhRaPcQv6JCyUCjrzhmLwSwoN4G 12750.00000000
1ELScvQWtQVj219DhcNafgZrDqtR6gX6Vd 13000.00000000
18sFHF3eD25uSRrASfoPBKBaTHjk3N1cWc 13000.00000000
1BeLzz6PK942LYuhNjB7SUcqS9DShViTmb 13500.00000000
12vZ9sYVvRmUhLQi5iEdF8qYVcdgcQ57vp 13800.00000000
1Cq37WXRrYTy3wh9swEcDoRHgdrvDL2Wrc 14600.00000000
14HpieZ4xQGfSfZ3CNNBW6qp94ShDvPYbj 15000.00000000
1DBTHzQSLhLepXrP4mziuiGGQvokKXcEcS 15000.00000000
12JQ6hfg2s31XLbfeSKtKKFoHXaBGJJH5W 15000.00000000
18qXSkiudy9dBNB7eYQJR689vqkjATnSCt 15057.26000000
1P8tkiZvGrXWvEDs98ZpshyNbudcHZCzSD 15700.00000000
14iESWwr9hLugqVD6bGVGCUjindHEweiH4 15800.37000000
19n1JqKDnoqcc34HA3fdgzNxczic6Hu5Pi 16217.79000000
15TBLRjjPFSvpqtKXiQj5mBy8QEJw7oKzc 16500.00000000
19ewsVrM86zfYiT8JWVo5Qb8uGH2kRrW8j 17499.00000000
19k8nToWwMGuF4HkNpzgoVAYk4viBnEs5D 19072.43000000
1PeizMg76Cf96nUQrYg8xuoZWLQozU5zGW 19400.00000000
1B1wPLyrJ831sg1D8hnZLBG7SejXbqMMrH 19650.01000000
1K1MjKdRsj4T3Tdr7DXdPJCYuUPw8US72f 19857.14000000
1EGgArtZHFLc2KCJijhV6zWpzUrj54xRga 20000.00000000
1FeSRnut5MS2BdVbrLDN3jWzJZaS7EVBbU 20000.00000000
1EGF79Pq2h4mohp8Nbt3ian1udcp2PJwpf 22600.00000000
1GdVp8gMW2MjK3L8gNWXLR8uRNFfB4Qex3 23200.00000000
1D8zkpbU9FWyStoVPnHekFEFqGLJ4VP7Wa 24000.00000000
1AxP9ex3rm2LpsdM5NZ4ed3qT4asVX6E72 25000.00000000
14o3HbKWdgpeMrX6fwWE95nR6XRBFMKsfp 25052.58000000
1Pw48g5zwghYtYUhfjMppxxZnzaUu8ognh 25549.58000000
12tkqA9xSoowkzoERHMWNKsTey55YEBqkv 28150.00000000
1GsGdtcrD4xKHHpuB3gNGxonak8oqGAWp7 30000.00000000
1KdZ1EoVwT9HxmZT7qr9mRPc7hcDq82xsu 30000.00000000
12ib7dApVFvg82TXKycWBNpN8kFyiAN1dr 31000.00000000
199QiJj1miojVSAop7gpAamscHd77r12ET 31338.45000000
1s4pPJap3eCRLdgxwSKTW5gxeuXZKrRT4 31424.07000000
1MoQZ9fFz9QQYM3pt8z9Xs99jNPwfSzMEu 32000.00000000
17CJvRrNdqSPN3Zs2dWfNY6GoCiMRfNG2T 33035.00000000
1NJWs6g6hQsgxqtpRxXLhZJwHYhH2P2bvx 40000.00000000
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1BtK4w7yuvtWEqmMJcjW6DqWuqXBWii2ZC 90000.00000000
[UPDATED] Corrected balances after fixing a bug in the way balances were updated for some transaction types.
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16b3L5eiyFny9nggwmAjbtx6b4xjwJfu8y 6900.00000000
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18hCbLkRR7NpvES4Ufn5JGLLmCgLNeCErT 7001.42000000
1LwhuPYdSGLxpEhtogRQSLM5i2CASWEvjN 7250.00000000
18ShHDufPcxfNZr4rArogTUCF2GmkJiSCV 7372.00000000
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1JGRGawZf1rZN291vFJe3SeTdr19tG5E1a 8000.00000000
198aMn6ZYAczwrE5NvNTUMyJ5qkfy4g3Hi 8000.00000000
15WJEWCiMX8rRURCJemHSJs3V1am7Dyuhg 8000.00000000
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129GMPhks7k5bQnNJM4byLb4bE9nHCBSqP 8449.00000000
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12DZjBLZQpU2pJGqNfuQscMMkxfTe2ozzN 10000.00000000
1Le6MkiTvkorvC1JwYXzQUSfqA3ebzGW7N 10000.00000000
1W5My2mh4WA5Fsa8yoNVJm7PxFZWqFwbK 10000.00000000
1LUPDXYf9XD9Ee1AqCuM3gZCA3ZMKgTcgw 10000.00000000
1DD2LnxQQZKjhdAgoEvrju58yrt2BYaLUw 10000.00000000
1Du2jAQsBQnkkVZkN4oqC46tS78k7WMkVq 10000.00000000
1CmLAqyGk8SMAbnn5b8LmA6z1ihpNidGZF 10000.00000000
1JZzZWdEbnrYa9ZfmWR2L3msBuDpW3WTso 10000.00000000
14geRxy9nWw2Vf3JXboyfgAiLTacWtHM6D 10000.00000000
194UU2RxAV7wZJ3bUTpQ8TeRReUSASrHU6 10000.00000000
15oCtt4tujaUQr1JicBqePsTg5Mz7AN3Ma 10000.00000000
1JtpgqCf3SSeCeYWEDJjkfYFH7Ruhy4Vp1 10000.00000000
1ETcR4GvfRENL4Q3V1GLBzpJ7j2dNbRyuC 10000.00000000
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14xZRjQBVj78mmpz1hQFBtbTtN8aeeoN4x 10500.05000000
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141tFf7wKP8MpC48TYoWi7MeQcQVxFJ9LT 11000.00000000
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14FFkuMVpRFjSb5dqPRophkYfmaXDEYhTA 12200.00000000
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1ELScvQWtQVj219DhcNafgZrDqtR6gX6Vd 13000.00000000
18sFHF3eD25uSRrASfoPBKBaTHjk3N1cWc 13000.00000000
1BeLzz6PK942LYuhNjB7SUcqS9DShViTmb 13500.00000000
12vZ9sYVvRmUhLQi5iEdF8qYVcdgcQ57vp 13800.00000000
1Cq37WXRrYTy3wh9swEcDoRHgdrvDL2Wrc 14600.00000000
14HpieZ4xQGfSfZ3CNNBW6qp94ShDvPYbj 15000.00000000
1DBTHzQSLhLepXrP4mziuiGGQvokKXcEcS 15000.00000000
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14iESWwr9hLugqVD6bGVGCUjindHEweiH4 15800.37000000
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15TBLRjjPFSvpqtKXiQj5mBy8QEJw7oKzc 16500.00000000
19ewsVrM86zfYiT8JWVo5Qb8uGH2kRrW8j 17499.00000000
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1B1wPLyrJ831sg1D8hnZLBG7SejXbqMMrH 19650.01000000
1K1MjKdRsj4T3Tdr7DXdPJCYuUPw8US72f 19857.14000000
1EGgArtZHFLc2KCJijhV6zWpzUrj54xRga 20000.00000000
1FeSRnut5MS2BdVbrLDN3jWzJZaS7EVBbU 20000.00000000
1EGF79Pq2h4mohp8Nbt3ian1udcp2PJwpf 22600.00000000
1GdVp8gMW2MjK3L8gNWXLR8uRNFfB4Qex3 23200.00000000
1D8zkpbU9FWyStoVPnHekFEFqGLJ4VP7Wa 24000.00000000
1AxP9ex3rm2LpsdM5NZ4ed3qT4asVX6E72 25000.00000000
14o3HbKWdgpeMrX6fwWE95nR6XRBFMKsfp 25052.58000000
1Pw48g5zwghYtYUhfjMppxxZnzaUu8ognh 25549.58000000
12tkqA9xSoowkzoERHMWNKsTey55YEBqkv 28150.00000000
1GsGdtcrD4xKHHpuB3gNGxonak8oqGAWp7 30000.00000000
1KdZ1EoVwT9HxmZT7qr9mRPc7hcDq82xsu 30000.00000000
12ib7dApVFvg82TXKycWBNpN8kFyiAN1dr 31000.00000000
199QiJj1miojVSAop7gpAamscHd77r12ET 31338.45000000
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17CJvRrNdqSPN3Zs2dWfNY6GoCiMRfNG2T 33035.00000000
1NJWs6g6hQsgxqtpRxXLhZJwHYhH2P2bvx 40000.00000000
19eJDWL3j3ABd17imWAZjmmPa6FGYGARL7 50000.00000000
1JiTbxqmmkC9izgpC9QLcqGWbQs42PtC7r 57900.65000000
12higDjoCCNXSA95xZMWUdPvXNmkAduhWv 72374.36000000
1BtK4w7yuvtWEqmMJcjW6DqWuqXBWii2ZC 90000.00000000
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